lunes, 23 de junio de 2008

Values and beliefs

In the world there are different cultures. These cultures have gone from generation to generation this day. Each culture has left a legacy and knowledge, but each culture has different form to think. Each culture has their beliefs, their laws, their values, their rules, etc. Although the beliefs and values may be the same, each culture differs from each other. This topic has many pros and cons because every culture has its beliefs and values.
First of all, the values are different to beliefs because values are a set of guidelines that society provides for people to use in social relations. Belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true. These are many pros because the values and belief make us a good person. It also does that each person can belong to a culture because the belief and values have been transmitting to generation from generation. For people, it is more important because they think that they have rules. People consider that they should stay with their family’s belief and values. Moreover, the belief and values show us what is the culture of different countries because these shows behavior and development of the country.

Although, the beliefs and values are very important these also have cons. The values that were taught in a bad form the people use them in the same bad form. For example in Iran, people used the belief and values in bad form because they think that they can die for the religion. For them this doesn’t a bad thing but for other cultures this is a bad thing. There are beliefs bad and estrange. For example in African tribe called Massai tribe have a belief. The fathers of the newborns girls make them a Cliterectomy, because the belief of this tribe is that the women are made for make feel pleasure to men and that they can’t feel this, which it is only for men. The same belief is not accept in west culture and if some women of west culture will go to the tribe and they will tell to the women that it is a bad thing and that the women have rights, the tribe’s women don’t care it and continue with their tribe’s belief. Many cultures have different belief and values for this reason all people should respect each culture.

In summary, there are different values and beliefs around the world, but each country use them to different form. In my opinion I think that although each country has their belief and values, each population should respect to other.

Small, local shops

Today, we can find different products around the world. The customers buy these products and they are very demanding. For this reason, we can find different shops around the world. Some people prefer small local shops, but another group of people prefer large supermarkets. Small, local shops are better for the community than large supermarkets. This topic has many pros and cons because people think in different form.

Firstly, local shops are the best form to people goes to buy because they buy in the local shops and they feel happy. In the local shops, employees know all costumers and for this reason costumers prefer local shops. The costumers feel that they can go to the local shop and they find a friend, because they think that the employees are their friends. Employees know the costumers’ names and employees know their favorites products and what they go to buy all the week. Moreover, in local shops, the prices are cheaper than large supermarkets, as the local shops are smaller than supermarkets the customers can find all that they need in a short time and in a short line to pay it. This is another pro because people prefer to buy in a local, small shop. In addition the service is more specialized because employees have more attention for everyone in the local shops.

However, local shops also have cons. Sometimes in the local shops, people can’t find foreign products because they don’t have foreign products only national products. For this reason group of people prefer buy in large supermarket. These people prefer expend more time to arrive but they can find all products in only one place. In the large supermarket there are more employees than in local shops. These employees don’t know the costumers because they have many costumers in the week, but there are employees specialized in the entire stand on the supermarket and the costumers can receive an attention specific in their needs.

In conclusion, people prefer buy in a small, local shops than large supermarket. They think that they buy in the local shops, these is easier. In my opinion local shops is more specialized and the costumers also receive more attention. In locals shops people think in their home.
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domingo, 22 de junio de 2008

The principal famous criminals in the world

Today, there are problems around the world. These problems can be social, educational, politics or economics. These are problems because people do not have values, For example, the criminals. The values are very important in the society but, many people think that criminals don´t have any values. Criminals are in everywhere but some of them are considerate the most important criminals in the world because they did many bad things. People think in different form for this reason this problems have many cons and pros.

First of all, the principal criminals are Hitler, Al Capone. They are so bad because they hurt many people in the society. They don´t care other people because they only think in themselves. For example Al Capone was a famous criminal in the 30´s years. He was a principal, for not say the main person in the Italian mafia. Capone began his career in Brooklyn before moving to Chicago and becoming the boss of the criminal organization known as the Chicago Outfit. By the end of the 1920s, Capone had gained the attention of the Federal Bureau of Investigation following his being placed on the Chicago Crime Commission's "public enemies" list. Although never successfully convicted of racketeering charges, Capone's criminal career ended in 1931. He don´t have any values because he caused many crimes. Hitler is another important criminal. He also was an important criminal because he hurt many people and he don´t care other people.

However, both criminals have a pro. For example they did that the justice and laws are hardest for them and other criminal. Al Capone has family, and he made that they stayed in save. They had much suffering throughout their lives and finally ended up paying for everything they did wrong and the people who killed.

In summary there are many criminals in the world, but the most important are Al Capone and Hitler. In my opinion both are consider the most important criminals in the world because many people remember them because they killed and they hurt many people. They do not care about nothing
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sábado, 21 de junio de 2008

Can Criminals have values?

Today, many people used to value but another group of people forget these values because they begin to do many things bad, for example, steal, etc. for this reason many people think that criminals don´t have many values but another group of people think that criminals have forgotten some values and they also have other values. All people have to think different form. Furthermore, all people have many pros and cons about this problem.

First of all, criminals have some values for example, bravery, and responsibility. These values are very important for them. They are bravery because they have to do crimes and hey don´t care other people or if they hurt someone. They also have responsibility because when they are with a big criminal group, they should carry out their job. For this reason, people think that criminal have some values but they don´t know to use these values.

Nevertheless, other group of people think that criminal forgot the values because they don´t care other people. These people considered that criminals don´t have any values. Criminals’ don´t have honesty, respect, dignity, etc. sometimes hey forgot the values because they need to carry out with their families and they say that they do crimes for their children.

In summary, criminals forget some values and they don´t use the values well. In my opinion criminals don´t know to use to the values and they forget that when they hurt someone, this person can be their family.

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martes, 17 de junio de 2008

The best Leader in the World

In the world there are leaders. They are famous because they fight for freedom and rights of liberty. One important leader is Martin Luther King because he was many values to be a leader and he has a leader for many people in the United States.

First of all, Martin Luther King was considered the most important leader in the United States because he defended the rights of black population. He was a leader in the American civil rights movement. For example, Martin Luther King, representing SCLC (Southern Chistrian Leadership Conference), was among the leaders of the so-called "Big Six" civil rights organizations who were instrumental in the organization of the March in Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963. King was an advocate of nonviolence philosophy and civil disobedience, used successfully in India by Mohandas Gandhi. All leaders have values but Martin Luther King had many things that other leader wants to have; for example, he helped to other people because he thought that these people needed his help. In addition, he also had many values for example he was honest and he respected all people.

In addition Martin Luther King had left a legacy and knowledge. He always thought in other people and today many people remember him. For example, in the international scene, King's legacy included influences on the Black Consciousness Movement and Civil Rights Movement in South Africa. He also made some debates even within King’s family as to where he would have stood on gay rights issues. Other legacies are the books wrote by Martin Luther King, for example Stride toward freedom; the Montgomery story (1958) The Measure of a Man (1959), Strength to Love (1963) etc. However, other groups of people consider that he wasn´t a good leader.

It is argued that King was criticized by many groups. This included opposition by more militant blacks and such prominent critics as Nation of Islam member Malcolm X. Martin Luther King was hated by many white people in the United States. King was assassinated before the march unfolded, but he left knowledge for people in the United States.

Martin Luther King was a good leader and he left many good things. In my opinion, Martin Luther King is the best leader because he was worried about all the people who needed him.
Bibliography of information and images:

lunes, 16 de junio de 2008

The Values In Iran

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The seven deadly sins in This Time

In the past and today sins are very relevant in all societies. When you are a child, adults always taught you the seven deadly sins. The Seven Deadly Sins are negative values. These are the values that you shouldn’t adopt and shouldn’t adopt their opposites. The sins are: Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, Sloth.

In the Christian culture, these sins are the base of the church because in The Bible shows a list of the Seven Deadly Sins. In The Bible also show that the seven sins make a definition between what is good and what is bad. The values help to all people live harmoniously and they consider that values help to don’t realize the 7 deadly sins. Everybody sometimes do at least one of the seven capital sins, this is ordinary because nobody are perfect in their live. When people do sins, they feel sad, perhaps because they feel that this is so horrible in front of God’s eyes. But they feel better when they go to a church to confess their sins, and they feel clean in front of God. It is so exciting to knows that people in this time still believe in God and in all that things that make us gigantic person.

Nevertheless, another group of people don´t believe in the seven deadly sins because they are part of other religions. For this reason, they can have another kind of belief and it doesn´t mean that these beliefs are bad, terrible or something like that, only because are different that our beliefs. In contrast we should respect these amazing beliefs thus we don’t believe in that.
Although for us kill someone is a very bad sin, for these people aren´t a sin, for example the Iranians kill people for the religion but for them this is not a sin, so they do not have any problem in doing.

In conclusion everyone has a different way of thinking, but the Seven Deadly Sins are the main base of the Christian religion. In my opinion, the seven deadly sins are very important thing for the society. Every day, everyone should be a better person and grow.

Bibliography of Images:

jueves, 12 de junio de 2008


There are different values in the world. Every culture has a set of moral and social value. Some cultures or societies have a different opinion about values. One value is religiousness. This value is special in all countries, but in Iran, religiousness is more complex than other countries. For this reason, this essay shows the religiousness in Iran because this value is very relevant for them.

In Iran, religiousness is a most important value for them because they think that the religion is all in their life. For this reason, they think that they can die by religion. They say that person happy is a person that follow religiousness. In addition, they think that they live in harmony. In Iran, the adults teach to children and they should follow the same way. Religiousness is amazing for them because they think that when they die, they have lively. They think of the previous form is the best way of doing things following the religion, but they do not know how this affects other people.

Nevertheless other people think differently than the Iranians. In Iran, people use the intimidating to scare other people. They say that their live is very harmonious or comfortable but other people think that they live in a war. Moreover people think that this country doesn’t safe. This country also is considerate popular because in Iran always there are wars and attempt to the Iranians is exiting follow the religion and they do anything to keep the book of religion.

The Iranians do not think their women because men do not let women show their hair. Men also make that women and girls wear tunics for other people don’t see. These people are not romantic and they believe that his life is prosperous and cherry.

In summary, religiousness is a interesting value land in Iran is the most important value. In my opinion the Iranians have a different form to think and they don’t know something better.

Bibliography of Photos

martes, 10 de junio de 2008


My principal objetive is know about values in the world. I will show interesting information about the values in different countries. In this way, all can learn about values. I also want to show how the values differ in other countries, cities and cultures. Moreover, this blog help me to investigate about the values.


People around the world have values. Although the values have the same meaning in each country or city, the values are used differently. with this blog, I want to show us what are the differences that there are between some values in different countries. We can learn about other cultures and learn about their behaviour. You can find interesting information about de values in the world.